API (American Petroleum Institute) standards

API (American Petroleum Institute) certifications have been highly demanded in the oil and gas industry. API develops standards to improve and establish more consistent and standardized processes.

There are more than 700 standards focused on management systems, products, individual certifications and on organizations that manufacture products or provide services for the oil and natural gas industry.

Companies that hold these certifications demonstrate their ability to provide products and services that meet legal and regulatory requirements, making them reliable and increasing the credibility of their business.

Professionals can also obtain their individual certification through the exam taken by the institute. The API has specific techniques for each sector, developing and improving high-level methods.

We conduct preparation training for API ICP exams and organization certifications. Our courses are based on the extensive experience of instructors in applying effective practices based on the standards in question.

In addition, we prepare organizations to obtain and maintain API certifications through advisors with a high level of technical competence.


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